Deana Tucker Dothage

In 2002, an acquaintance invited me to bring my toddler to her house for Halloween. That is how I found the street we have lived on the past 19 years. Her act of kindness wasn’t her last and has been indicative of acts of kindness from other neighbors.  Below are some examples.

*    During our move in and soon after, two older couples across the street came to visit and invited us to the fall block party which was in the yard next to mine.

*    Another neighbor brought a huge chocolate chip cookie. My son has loved her ever since. On Halloween for many years, she invited my son over for a bag with his name on it.

*    Within a day of moving in, we met the young child across the street who became my son’s closest friend. They are still friends.

*    In the winter, three men on our street went out every snowy morning to blow off the snow from every driveway on the street (16 houses).

*    My mother has endured some illnesses the past few years, resulting in hospital stays. When she returns home, one neighbor brings food & desserts.

*    One of the men in our neighborhood puts up Christmas lights for another neighbor. He also frequently checks on an elderly widow who lives nearby. When she needs help, he is the first person she calls and he is always quick to assist.

*    Two neighbors with miniature pontoon boats used to take my son and his friend out in our pond fishing. He also taught them to assist with projects in the yard.

*    Most of my neighbors are fabulous landscapers with beautiful flowers in their yards. It’s an explosion of color to drive past them on the way home.

*    Many of the people on my street decorate in lights and holiday yard  ornaments for Halloween and Christmas. It’s so festive to drive home after dark.

*    My brother brings the trash cans in and puts the mail on the porch of a lady who has difficulty getting to the end of the driveway.  He delivers containers of food to her occasionally.

*    This neighbor kept a fruit basket in her garage for my young son and his friend. If the boys got too far away from the front yard, she would call to let me know where the boys were.

*    If a deer is sighted and photographed, neighbors will text the pictures to others.

*    I’m not a gardener. My next-door neighbor is. They have beautiful trees and so many beautiful new flowers. They add and replace so the colors change often. In appreciation of their efforts, I get them a plant occasionally. The work they do is truly a blessing!

*    Rarely, people walk down the street that seem to be preparing for mischief. When observed, one neighbor will call another with advance notice so we can flip on porch lights, step outside, and keep an eye out.

*    I’ve become friends with the adult children of a neighbor. If something appears amiss, I call the daughter to make sure all is ok.

*    It was time to replace carpet and to paint. My son called a former neighbor who now lives in Southeast Missouri. This gentleman drove back “home” and is currently installing vinyl plank flooring and painting my house by day, and visiting family in the evenings.

A neighbor connection can live on even when you no longer live in the same neighborhood.

I love this neighborhood because of my experiences during the last several years. Today I love it even more because I'm intentionally reaching out to people to have a sense of community. Life can be hard. Why not surround ourselves with kindness.  

Deana Tucker Dothage,  MPA

Extension Engagement Specialist in Community Development
MU Extension in St. Charles County

260 Brown Road | St. Peters, MO 63376

O: 636-970-3000 | E:

How do you pronounce Deana Dothage?


Missouri Good Neighbor Week is Sept. 28 - Oct. 4:

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